Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Michigan Sucks! - Joke of the Day

www.ihatewolverines.com brings you the Michigan Sucks joke of the day

A Ohio State fan used to amuse himself by scaring every Michigan fan he saw walking when he was driving.  He would swerve  as if to hit them, Just narrowly avoiding them at the last second. One day as the Ohio State fan was driving along, he saw a priest walking along the side of the road. He thought he would do a good deed and pulled over. He asked the priest, "Where are you going, Father?" "I'm going to give Mass at St. Vincent's Church, just down the road," the priest replies.  The Buckeyes Fan says "Hop in Father, I'll give you a ride!" The priest climbed into the car, and the Ohio State fan continues driving down the road. Suddenly, he sees a Michigan fan walking along the side of the road. Forgeting about his passenger, he swerved as if to hit him, narrowly missing the Michigan fan at the last second. Even though he was certain he missed him, he still heard a loud "THUMP." Not understanding where the noise came from, he glanced in his mirror, but he didn't see anything. He then remembered the priest. He turned to the priest and says, "I'm sorry, Father. I almost hit that Michigan fan." "Don't Worry,"the priest tells him, "I got him with the door."

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